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Nighthawks - Today




Origine du Groupe : Deutshland

Style : Nu-Jazz , Electro Jazz , Lounge , Alternative

Sortie : 2010

From Official Myspce :

A short keyboard motif – its sound seems to emanate from a music box. It is joined by a bouncy, increasingly climactic groove with a jazzy-percussive trumpet on top creating an effervescent,
pulsing atmosphere. “Boutique Korkut” – we are in the middle of the vibrant Belgian quarter in Cologne. Once again twilight falls, the sun sets and the night begins to the musical soundtrack of
the Nighthawks.

The Nighthawks project, launched at the end of the 1990s, is the brainchild of trumpet player Reiner Winterschladen and multi-instrumentalist and producer Dal Martino. Since their first album
“Citizen Wayne” (1998), the duo has been known for its profound and stylish jazzy lounge music. However, stirring up associations and images, the Nighthawks’ music goes much deeper than that. “I
think it’s great and very important that the listener has visual associations while hearing the music”, says Dal Martino. “Our project started with film music. For me, it is still important that
each track has a little script. We aim to trigger images which in turn release certain emotions.”

On their new album “Today”, which is their fifth studio album to date, the Nighthawks have embarked on an unusual and extraordinarily exciting world tour of a different kind. It is not really
what one would have expected of them. At the start, they only had one aim in mind: “Back to the roots”, summarises Dal Martino. “In the sense that we let our ideas run wild and developed melodies
and groove fragments without asking ourselves whether these sound fragments fitted together. The final structure of the album crystallised much later.” Their unceasing curiosity to explore new
musical horizons has once again led the Nighthawks halfway around the world – especially to eastern regions.

Musicians certainly depend on ideas, suitable ideas. Ideas is something the Nighthawks have never been short of. However, at the start they did not know where these original ideas would
eventually lead them. They were happier not knowing, aware of the restraining effect that too much rational analysis would have on their curiosity and instincts. Instead, the Nighthawks placed
their trust both in themselves and their ideas. This time, their travels led them into the thicket of the Romanian forests, the glamorous Brazilian Trancoso, to the picturesque “Rialto Hotel” in
Warsaw and to the almost deserted steppes of Iran. “I have been travelling around a lot these last few years, I was in Poland, Romania, Hungary, Moldavia,” says Martino. “Of course that affected
our music, especially as I met fantastic singers such as Anna Maria Jopek from Poland or Emilia Istvan, a Roma icon, whose qualities have given the new album a unique character.”

Things cannot always be planned when you work on an album. Emilia Istvan is a case in point. “In Timisoara, I heard ‘Ederlezi’, a traditional Roma song which impressed me a lot. It’s a wonder
that the song finally made it on to the album as Emilia is constantly on the move around the entire Balkan area. By lucky coincidence, I managed to record her voice in a hotel room in Bucharest.
When the piece was completed I realised that it effectively represented the starting point of our journey which eventually led to ‘Male Tesknoty’ featuring the fantastic Anna Maria Jopek and
Sting’s guitarist Dominic Miller.”

Both ‘Ederlezi’ and ‘Male Tesknoty’, a Polish hit from the 80s, demonstrate Dal Martino’s and Reiner Winterschladen’s unique ability to reshape a musically rather absurd original into a typical
Nighthawks soundscape. The epic ‘Dust’, the last track on the CD with its somewhat Arabic melodic motif, is evidence of their universal pretensions. On top of this, their music is becoming
increasingly compact. Not one note is out of place, not one sample is used just for the sake of it. The Nighthawks are resounding proof of the premise that less is better.

In many cases, their music works like a soundtrack to an imaginary film. The new album ‘Today’ is no exception. One should just listen to the bouncy grooving and mysterious ‘The Consul Is
Driving’ which would make a brilliant soundtrack for a psycho thriller. The slightly wistful ‘To The Bar And Back’ would also perfectly complement the film noir genre. “Even after the recording
process has started, an album such as this always requires numerous decisions to be taken. I could name each album ’One Million Decisions’. However, in the end I believe that only things that
really strike a nerve with us pass through the filter of my spirit.”

The new Nighthawks CD, which has been called ‘’Today’’ for good reason, demonstrates what Dal Martino and Reiner Winterschladen are getting excited about in the here and now. It is a musical
journey of discovery: soul, jazz, pop, reggae, Latin American and Arabic influences, melodies from Poland and the Balkan region – driven by their passion for experiment, the Nighthawks are not
concerned with borders. Aside from their undoubtedly top class musicianship, it is their curiosity and their love of the unusual that makes ‘’Today’’ so exciting and entertaining.

Tracklist :   

1. Boutique Korkut 5:57

2. To The Bar And Back 4:50

3. Male Tesknoty 4:27

4. Rialto Hotel 5:23

5. The Consul Is Driving 6:07

6. Frankfurt-Trancoso 6:54

7. The Younger We Were 4:15

8. Slave To the Moon 5:54

9. Ederlezi 5:24

10. Dust 6:15


Dal Martino (bass, guitar, vocals)

Reiner Winterschladen (trumpet, flugelhorn)

Jürgen Dahmen (Rhodes, percussion)

Markus Wienstroer (guitar)

Xaver Fischer (keyboards)

Thomas Alkier (drums, percussion)

Guest musicians:

Anna Maria Jopek (voc)

Emilia Istvan (voc)

Dominic Miller (git)

Zdzislav Marcinkiewicz (keys)

Zwanie Jonson (drums)



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